Sunday, April 21, 2013

Continueing the Bible Study on the Ten Commandments:

 The 3rd Commandment is: Do not take God's name in vain.

What does 'in vain' mean? What is God's name? Why do you think this commandment is put on this list?
What was the Old Testament penalty for blasphemy? Answer: death by stoning.
Did Jesus address this commandment in any way? Answer: the Lord's Prayer (Hallowed be Thy Name)
How can we keep this commandment?

The 4rd Commandment is: Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

What are the reasons given in Duet. and Exodus for this commandment?
Why do we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday? What do you think of the argument about celebrating it on Saturday instead?

An interesting bit of trivia - China tried to implement a 10-day work week, but failed. Every society revolves around a 7-day week.

What did Jesus teach about the Sabbath day of rest? Read Mark 2:27

We tend to, in this modern day, treat this commandment as the least important. What do you think of this statement? What do you think God thinks of how we use our 'day of rest'?

How can we keep this commandment? How can we improve in this?

The 5rd Commandment is: Honor your Father and Mother

What does this mean? What encompasses 'honor'? (respect, gratitude, obedience, etc.)
Why do you think God felt it was important enough to put in this list? 
This is the only commandment with a promised reward attached. Why?
How did Jesus expand on this commandment? Who did He saw were his Mother, Brothers, family? (Matt. 12:46-50)
How can we keep this commandment?

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