Monday, July 1, 2013

What is the likelihood that the Bible has copying errors?

Okay, so, you haven't asked this, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway. Since you haven't asked a new question, I figured it wouldn't hurt to talk about one of the many things atheists bring up as an excuse for why they don't trust the Bible.

The argument goes: Everyone knows that copies of copies of copies become degraded from the original. And humans are prone to errors. Anyone who's ever had to copy down a piece of text knows that even when a person is being careful, typos can slip in (or even deliberate errors, if the copyist has a motive to change the message). A person playing 'Telephone', whispering a message along through a string of people is another example of how you can start with one thing, then end up with something completely different. The argument then goes on to say that even if the Bible was originally true, what's to say that what we have now is anywhere close to the same thing that was originally written?

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