Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Introductions Part 2

Well, as I mentioned in my previous post, I don't expect anyone to ever actually read this, but on the off chance that anyone does, I feel that a Blog on Bible studies should begin with a summary of the blogger's beliefs and religious background.

A summary of that might be that I have pretty conservative, fundamentalist views, I believe. On non-controversial topics, I tend to follow main-stream Christianity. Here's a list of those highlights (I'll probably use each bullet point below as a separate post in the future, so I'll try to be brief here) :
  • I believe that a person is saved due only to the undeserved rescuing power of God. This is received when a person trusts in fact that Jesus death alone pays the debt of our sin.  
  • A Christian is not created by 'good works', but rather a relationship with Jesus resulting from the belief stated above. However, good-deeds become evidence of (and automatically result from) that relationship.
  • I believe Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was God-in-flesh (100% God and 100% man at the same time), died, and physically rose again before going to Heaven. 
  • Jesus will return 'soon', first to collect his people, then to reign as our eternal, righteous King.
  • I believe the Bible is true, factual, and without error. The 66 books of the Bible (Old and New Testament) combine to make the complete Word of God - no other additions are divinely inspired to be equal to those words. 
  •  God is eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, and much, much more! He is perfection itself. 
  • The church is defined, not as a building or a denomination, but as God's people - His children, His Bride, His devoted followers. 
Okay, let's see, I covered God, Jesus, the Bible, the Church...I guess those are the most important bases to cover. I could state more - on the Holy Spirit, End Times, Creation, and other topics, but as an introductory post, I think that'll do for now.

I'm pretty excited about writing up various notes about all the above! I know many people before me have written far more profound essays on everything I could conceivably think up, but I find myself very okay with that. As someone who is currently leading a Bible Study and a Sunday School class, who intends to eventually try to teach her children, and who loves the subjects in general, this organization of thoughts should prove very beneficial to me, even if it is to no one else.

As a completely different topic, I may have to consider adding pictures to these posts somehow. Hmmm.... something to ponder, at any rate.  

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