Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The absurdity of Atheism

I read yesterday a rambling blog post by a militant atheist that listed what he would need in order to change his mind and become a Christian. It was the most illogical thing I had ever read. The man's reasoning was that the universe is too orderly and logical to be created by an intelligent Being. I just had to laugh. He said that he would only believe in God if the galaxies had more random placements, if planets spun about stars without all going at it in the same direction - in other words, he seems to think there needs to be more chaos in order for the Divine to exist.

How is that reasonable? The sheer orderliness, the vast, unimaginable level of detailed exactness is, in fact, clear evidence that everything was created by an brilliant-beyond measure Being who is Himself orderly.

The Atheist further went on to state that the fact that humans can understand the laws of physics or delve into the workings of our world is evidence that it wasn't created by any Higher Being. How illogical! A God like the one Christians know would enjoy blessing his Creation with the ability to discover His character within the Creation itself. We see the amazing complexity of the world around us, the way that physical laws balance on a knife edge, and stand in awe of the Creator. 

It kind of reminds me of what Jesus said to the Pharisees about 'We played you a dirge and you did not mourn, so we played a wedding song and you would not rejoice'. Atheists complain that some things about God (like the Trinity) are not understandable, therefore can't be true, then we see some, like this person, complaining that the universe is too understandable and therefore God can't be real. I roll my eyes at this.

I find the position of Atheists thoroughly incomprehensible, while at the same time very pitiable. The profound truth that such a person is gambling their soul against such steep odds just makes me scratch my head. I think it was Pascal who said about Christianity (In my paraphrase): If I'm right and Christianity is true, then an atheist has lost everything and I have gained everything, but if I'm wrong, an atheist has gained nothing and I have lost nothing.

Beyond the lack of sense that would compel a person to take such a risk, there is the sad fact that the Bible gives several verses that support the fact that once a person rejects God, they run the very real risk of gaining a hardened heart and 'darkened eyes' - meaning that it becomes increasingly difficult to change their position once they've settled on their anti-God direction.

One of the blessings that God gives His children is the ability to understand His Word and His thoughts. Christians are in a unique position to have the ability to understand spiritual truths that non-Christians simply can't grasp.

It's the difference between looking at a beautiful flower and marveling at the artistic talent and amazing creative ability of God, vs. cynically thinking it was evolved by nature alone and is the way it is due to chance and is ultimately worthless and meaningless. It's the difference between looking into the concept of the Trinity and thinking 'Wow, God is so much more than merely a powerful human' vs. thinking 'I don't understand it, therefore, it isn't true'.

Okay, this is more of a random ramble than anything really concrete, but reading that particular 'message' just made me want to slap him upside the head to try to knock a little sense into him.

Sigh. Unfortunately, I know nothing I could say would change his position and I have no interest in getting into a useless argument with someone who isn't interested in having an open mind. The man has made his choice and God will likely mercifully give the man many more chances to see the error of his ways, but I don't hold out much hope.

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